Guidelines for the effective functioning of the Independent Evaluation Unit
The Board requested the IEU to present the detailed guidelines and procedures for the effective operation of the IEU in decision B.24/15. The Guidelines are developed based on the triangulation of GCF policies,...
Document > Policy
IEU at B.36: Side Event Introduction to LORTA
This side event aims to inform B.36 delegates about the LORTA programme, showcasing its achievements to date. It will begin by providing a vision and overview of the programme, highlighting how LORTA plays a significant...
Event > IEU talk Republic of Korea
Valuing investments in the Global Carbon Market Mechanism as compound real options: Lessons from the Clean Development Mechanism
The Global Carbon Market Mechanism (GCMM) aims to incentivize national or sub-national actors to invest in climate mitigation projects at the same time as limiting the global costs of tackling global warming. Using the...
Document > Other publication
Is the GCF targeting the right beneficiaries?
As mandated by the Paris Agreement, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) supports developing countries realize pathways towards low-emissions and climate-resilient development. These pathways are described in Nationally...
Article > Blog
IEU RPSP Perception Survey extended until 14 July
Invitation to complete a survey on the GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (RPSP)
What: The IEU is currently undertaking an Independent Evaluation of the GCF's Readiness and Preparatory...
Article > News
Of prayer flags and readiness: Notes from an evaluation mission in Bhutan
It is easy to romanticize Bhutan. In sharp contrast to the location of our GCF office, the air feels clean; there is such little traffic that the country doesn’t even have a traffic light, the flight takes you over some...
Article > Blog
Appreciation Message for the GCF from Bhutan
In May 2023, the IEU undertook a mission to Bhutan as part of the Independent Evaluation of the GCF's Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (RPSP2023). During the mission, the team visited some of the field sites...
Video > IEU video
B.36 Data outlook: funding proposals for the Board’s consideration
The thirty-sixth meeting of the GCF Board (B.36) will take place from July 10 to 13 in Songdo, South Korea. B.36 holds special significance as the Board is scheduled to finalize the deliberations on the update of the...
Article > Blog
Learning Talk: Transformational Change
Transformational change has emerged as an important tool to address the climate crisis. Mitigation and adaptation interventions are striving to have transformational effects as it is clear the level of climate finance...
Event > IEU talk
Learning Paper Summary: A second study of the evaluability of Green Climate Fund funding proposals
This 2-page document summarizes the IEU learning paper "Evaluability assessment of the Green Climate Fund funding proposals".
Document > Learning paper
B.36 Activity Report
This document provides a report of the key activities of the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) for the period of 1 January to 30 April 2023. It reports on the IEU’s outputs and achievements in line with its Board-...
Document > Activity report
IEU takes part in the Steering Committee of the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition
On Friday 23 June 2023, the IEU participated in the inaugural meeting of the Steering Committee of the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition. Presentations covered an overview of the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition, a...
Article > News
IEU deliverable at B.36 under the RPSP evaluation
The Board-approved workplan of the IEU (document GCF/B.34/28) commissioned the independent evaluation of the GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (RPSP) to assess the progress, results and outcomes,...
Document > Evaluation document
IEU at UN Loss and Damage Workshop - Bangkok
IEU Head Andreas Reumann will take part in the Second workshop on addressing loss and damage in the context of decisions 2/CP.27 and 2/CMA.4.
Provisional Programme
Date: Saturday 15 July2023
Time: 9:00am - 6:00pm(...
Event > External event Thailand
[Approach paper] Independent Evaluation of Green Climate Fund's Approach to the Energy Sector
An independent evaluation of the GCF's approach to the energy sector is undertaken following an approval by the GCF Board in the decision B.34/06 in October 2022. The evaluation will assess the relevance and...
Document > Approach paper
[Approach paper] Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund's Investment Framework
During the thirty-fourth meeting of the GCF Board, the 2023 IEU workplan was approved, which includes an Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Investment Framework. The evaluation broadly assesses the relevance and...
Document > Approach paper
Approach brief: ES2023
This introductory brief provides a summary of the IEU’s evaluation of the GCF’s approach to the energy sector, including the context, purpose and objectives, scope, methods and country case studies.
Document > Evaluation brief
IEU Brief No. 4 - 2023
Mitigation and adaptation interventions are striving to have transformational effects. This evidence review operationalizes transformational change using three measurable criteria:
A large depth of change
A large scale...
Document > Other publication
Approach brief: IF2023
This introductory brief provides a summary of the IEU’s independent evaluation of the GCF’s investment framework, including the context, purpose and objectives, scope, methods and timeline.
Document > Evaluation brief
Learning Talk: Space, place and scale – the value of GIS in climate investments
Evaluation experts increasingly recognize that successfully implementing climate interventions and assessing their impact requires geospatial data. This can improve targeting, planning, policymaking and risk management...
Event > IEU talk
IEU at Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum
Inclusive financial systems: A critical enabler for autonomous and transformational adaptation in vulnerable countries
The IEU will organize a joint session with CGAP as part in the 8th Asia-Pacific Climate Change...
Event > External event Republic of Korea
IEU at 2023 Asian Evaluation Week: Beyond Recovery: Evaluation for Development Effectiveness
The IEU will take part in several events at the 2023 Asian Evaluation Week (AEW) taking place in person from 11 - 14 September in Bangkok, Thailand.
The AEW is a leading evaluation knowledge sharing and learning...
Event > External event Thailand
IEU at UNFCCC Africa Climate Week 2023
The IEU will take part in several events at Africa Climate Week 2023, taking place in person from 4 - 8 September in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Africa Climate Week is one of four Regional Climate Weeks held this year to build...
Event > External event Kenya
IEU at 2023 World Coastal Forum
The IEU will participate at the 2023 World Coastal Forum, taking place in hybrid format from 25 - 27 September in Yancheng, China.
The World Coastal Forum responds to needs expressed by several global environmental...
Event > External event China
Spotlight: Evaluating the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF’s investments in the African States
This video summarizes the key findings and recommendations of the Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of the Green Climate Fund’s Investments in the African States. The video was created by...
Video > IEU video
Spotlight: Independent Synthesis of Direct Access in the Green Climate Fund
This video summarizes the key findings and recommendations of the Independent Synthesis of Direct Access in the Green Climate Fund. The video was created by Josephine Wambui Ngala & Aidyn Kaiyrbekova; narrated by...
Video > IEU video
Learning Talk: IEU-DMA Roundtable on LORTA Impact Evaluations
On 6 September, the IEU held a learning talk on learnings from the IEU’s impact evaluation programme - LORTA - in the form of a roundtable between the Independent Evaluation Unit and Division of Mitigation and...
Event > IEU talk
IEU at GCF Regional Dialogue with Latin America and Workshop for Direct Access Entities in Latin America and the Caribbean
The IEU will take part in the GCF Regional Dialogue with Latin America and Workshop for Direct Access Entities in Latin America and the Caribbean taking place 24 - 28 July in person in Montevideo, Uruguay. During the...
Event > External event Uruguay
IEU at GCF Regional Programming Dialogue with Asia and the Pacific
The IEU will take part in the IEU at Green Climate Fund Regional Programming Dialogue with Asia and the Pacific taking place 7 - 11 August in person in Songdo, Republic of Korea. During the event the IEU will host the...
Event > External event Republic of Korea Pages
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