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The Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) ensures GCF is accountable and effective

2024 work plan

At its thirty-seventh meeting in October 2023, the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) approved a budget of USD 7,734,904 to fund the Independent Evaluation Unit’s (IEU) activities in 2024.

There are four key elements of the IEU’s annual work plan for 2024.

Building and strengthening the IEU

In 2024, the IEU is expected to have 26 staff members, 5 HQ-based consultants and remote and rostered consultants of varied experience and expertise. The IEU is on track to stabilize the team strength and reach a plateau in 2024, as anticipated in the three-year rolling objectives. The IEU also plans to launch an external peer review of the evaluation function of the GCF.


The IEU will undertake three evaluations in 2024: 

  • Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s Approach to and Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses;
  • Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of the GCF’s Investments in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) States;
  • Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s ‘Health and Well-being, and Food and Water Security’ Result Area;  
  • Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Approach to Indigenous Peoples.

The IEU will also launch Third Performance Review of the Green Climate Fund and will continue delivering its Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA) programme.

Capacity building and advisory services

In 2024, the IEU will undertake evidence reviews and learning papers on interventions in the forest conservation. The IEU will also produce a synthesis note on access. The IEU will continue to host capacity-building workshops and trainings for AEs, project staff and GCF Secretariat.

Learning, uptake, and partnerships

In 2024, the IEU will further strengthen its strategic outreach and targeted knowledge management, dissemination, and uptake practices. With the IEU’s role as an evidence and  knowledge broker, the IEU will continue to produce new content formats for more  effective Board engagement and reporting.