About us

The Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) ensures GCF is accountable and effective


The Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) ensures the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is accountable and effective. It conducts independent evaluations of the GCF's activities to guarantee its accountability and synthesises learnings from high-quality and rigorous evaluations to support the GCF's effectiveness and efficiency. It operates independently of the GCF Secretariat. Its Head is appointed by and reports directly to the Board.

The IEU also provides evaluation reports to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), for purposes of periodic reviews of the Financial Mechanism, of which GCF is a part.

The IEU was established by the GCF Board as an independent unit to provide objective assessments of the performance and results of the Fund, including its funded activities, its effectiveness, and its efficiency.

In conducting evaluations, various criteria are considered:

  • Relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of projects and programmes
  • Coherence in climate finance delivery with other multilateral entities
  • Gender equity and social inclusion
  • Country ownership of projects and programmes
  • Innovativeness in result areas
  • Replication and scalability
  • Unexpected results, both positive and negative


The IEU has a mandate to undertake independent evaluations to inform decision making by the Board and to identify and disseminate lessons learned. The IEU fulfils this mandate through four functions.

The IEU undertakes independent evaluations at different levels to inform GCF's strategic result areas and ensure its accountability. It also attests the quality of self-evaluations and performs independent peer reviews.

The IEU ensures high-quality evidence and recommendations from independent evaluations are synthesised and incorporated into GCF's functioning and processes.

The IEU advises the Board of lessons learnt from evaluations and provides guidelines and support to independent evaluation units of intermediaries and implementing entities of GCF.

The IEU leverages expertise and presence. It engages with independent evaluation offices of accredited entities and other GCF stakeholders.