IEU Work Plan and Budget for 2023
This document summarizes the key elements of the work plan and budget of the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) for 2023. It contains: (1) an overview of the IEU's deliverables during 2022; (ii) key elements of the IEU’s...
Document > Work plan
Impact Evaluations: Lessons Learnt from IEU's LORTA Programme and Other International Organizations
On 31 October, the IEU held a webinar exploring the lessons learnt from LORTA and other organizations' impact evaluations.
Since 2018, the IEU's LORTA programme has worked to strengthen the capacity of GCF-accredited...
Event > IEU talk
Annual report 2021 (Board version)
This document contains the Independent Evaluation Unit's Annual Report for 2021 submitted to the Board.
Document > Annual report
Raising money for green transitions
Multilateral development banks have weak governance structures. Despite its limitations, the Green Climate remains the most credible agency to fund the shift to renewables.
The world is shifting to clean energy. Current...
Article > News
COP27: Let us not reinvent the wheel to finance loss and damage
While delegates in Sharm El-Sheikh debate the specifics of loss and damage finance, it would be well to remember to balance ambition and justice with pragmatism.
Loss and damage has been an intrigue at the climate...
Article > News
Learning Talk: Financing technological innovation for the climate: a Request for Proposal
The IEU is holding a Learning Talk on requests for proposals and climate innovation on Tuesday, 22nd November.
Requests for Proposals are a valuable tool for generating targeted projects and programmes and focusing...
Event > IEU talk
Climate finance takes center stage at COP27
Climate finance explained through latest developments from 27th UN Climate Change conference
The 27th U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP27) was held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, from Nov. 6 to 20. World leaders...
Article > News
IEU Workplan 2023
The GCF Board has approved IEU’s 2023 Workplan and Budget in decision B.34/06. In line with that decision, the IEU will undertake the following evaluations in 2023:
Independent Evaluation of GCF’s Operations in the...
Article > News
Learning Talk: Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme
The IEU is holding the Learning Talk: Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme at the GCF on Tuesday, 13th December.
The Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (RPSP) is a central pillar of the GCF in...
Event > IEU talk
IEU and DPM provide training on Evaluation Policy to JICA
On December 9, following a request from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA),The Green Climate Fund's Division of Portfolio Management and IEU organized a joint training for JICA officers on the newly adopted...
Article > News
Evidence review on behavioural science interventions in development and environmental fields in developing countries: Protocol for a systematic review
Based on the evidence gap map of behavioural science interventions within the development and environmental fields in developing countries, this protocol for a systematic review focuses on synthesizing the evidence on...
Document > Other publication
IEU's Yeonji Kim receives commendation for outstanding contribution to society from Korea's Minister of Foreign Affairs
On 19 December 2022, IEU’s Knowledge Management and Uptake Specialist a.i. Yeonji Kim received a Commendation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea for outstanding contribution to society. The...
Article > IEU in the news Republic of Korea
Want to stay on top of the IEU’s activities? The IEU publishes its regular newsletter shortly after each GCF Board Meeting and the “What’s New with the IEU” newsletter in between Board Meetings. To get the...
Basic page
IEU interns engage in an exchange programme with Incheon City
On 13 December 2022, the IEU Head Andreas Reumann, the Knowledge Management & Uptake Specialist a.i. Yeonji Kim, and the IEU interns, Josephine Ngala and Martina de Vries, met with officials from Incheon City.
Article > News
Learning Talk: Accreditation at the GCF
On 25 January, the IEU organized a Learning Talk on Accreditation at the GCF.
The GCF’s approach to accreditation is unique. It facilitates national, regional, and international entities' access to GCF resources, and...
Event > IEU talk
GCF 독립평가국, 인천시와 교류 방문 프로그램 진행
지난 12월 13일, 안드레아스 로이먼 GCF 독립평가국장은 김연지 지식경영팀장과 두 인턴 조세핀 네갈라, 마르티나 드 브리스와 함께 인천시청을 방문해 시청 관계자들과 만났다.
GCF 독립평가국(이하 IEU)은 GCF 투자금이 투명하고 효율적으로 쓰여지는지를 독립적이고 객관적으로 평가한다. 인천 송도국제도시에 소재한GCF는 유엔기후변화기본협약(UNFCCC) 당사국 결정에 의거하여 설립된...
Article > News
IEU at IFAD learning talk on what works for women’s empowerment in developing countries
On 26 January, the IEU took part in a learning event organized by IFAD in the framework of their Food4Thought seminar series. The seminar launched IFAD/GCF joint publications on women’s empowerment.
The IEU’s Andreas...
Event > External event
IEU participates in Climate Funds Evaluation Meeting on side of UNEG Meetings
On 27 January, evaluation and learning teams of four climate funds gathered to discuss their key work areas and potential opportunities for synergies on side of UNEG Annual General Meeting. Evaluation and learning leads...
Article > News
Learning Talk: Evaluation Policy of the GCF
On 15 February, the IEU organized a Learning Talk on the Evaluation Policy of the GCF.
The objective of the GCF’s Evaluation Policy is to set out the approach of the GCF to evaluations, including establishing principles...
Event > IEU talk
IEU celebrates 2023 World Wetlands Day: Time for Wetland Restoration
On Thursday, 2 February 2023 the IEU celebrates World Wetlands Day, a day which highlights the value of wetlands. Wetlands can play a significant role in managing risks from climate change. They are an important sink...
Article > News
Special Learning Talk on the Wetlands
To celebrate World Wetlands Day, the IEU organized a Special Learning Talk on the Wetlands on 24 February. The event began by introducing audiences to the wetlands strategy of the Ramsar Convention, the Convention on...
Event > IEU talk
IEU's presentation on the independent evaluation of the GCF's RMF to B22
Document > Other publication
Document > Other publication
The IEU Interns Visit the UNPOG Office in Songdo, South Korea
On Tuesday, 7 February 2023, the Head of the IEU, Andreas Reumann, and IEU interns Josephine Ngala, Junior Abdul-Wahab, and Martina de Vries visited the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG) in Songdo,...
Article > News
Evaluability assessment of the Green Climate Fund funding proposals
This paper continues IEU’s effort to assess the tools and frameworks within funding proposals that enable robust monitoring and measurement of results during project implementation. The series began in 2019 with “...
Document > Learning paper
IEU webinar: What do we know about planning for measuring the impact of GCF's investment?
The GCF’s overall goal is to support a paradigm shift towards low-carbon, high-resilience pathways. To what extent are current GCF projects and programmes contributing to this goal? How can this be credibly measured so...
Event > Webinar
IEU at TERI World Sustainable Development Summit 2023
On 23 February, the IEU took part in The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) World Sustainable Development Summit 2023 in New Delhi. The Summit deliberations focused on the umbrella theme: Mainstreaming Sustainable...
Event > External event India
Final Report of the Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of the Green Climate Fund's Investments in the African States
This independent evaluation assesses whether the GCF’s approach and investments in the African States have been effective in promoting a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways. It...
Document > Evaluation report Pages
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