Learning Talk: REDD+ and Social Safeguards
The IEU Learning Talk focused on the REDD+ Results-Based Payment (RBP) mechanism under the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Colleagues from the IEU and Secretariat discussed the IEU’s special study on REDD+ RBP...
Event > IEU talk Republic of Korea
Evidence reviews
The IEU believes it is important for the GCF to use global evidence to learn what works, what doesn’t, for whom, why and by how much. The IEU’s evidence reviews assemble global evidence on topics that are...
Basic page
Evidence gap map: Effectiveness of forest conservation interventions
This evidence gap map expanded upon a previous study conducted by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation related to forest conservation interventions. This review updated evidence for the period 2016 to mid-...
Document > Learning paper
Evidence gap map and intervention heat maps: Climate change adaptation in low- and middle-Income countries
This evidence review examined evidence on climate change adaptation interventions and their effectiveness between 2007 and 2018. Results from 464 studies are included in an evidence gap map which shows large disparities...
Document > Operational document
Evidence review: Private sector investments in mitigation
This evidence review describes the evidence base on private sector investment in mitigation and assess and describes the modes of funding for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. This evidence review inclufdes an...
Evidence review
Evidence gap map: Forestry
This evidence gap map expanded upon a previous study conducted by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation related to forest conservation interventions in low- and middle-income countries. This review updated...
Evidence review
Evidence gap map: Adaptation
This evidence review examined evidence on climate change adaptation interventions and their effectiveness between 2007 and 2018. Results from 464 studies are included in an evidence gap map, which shows large...
Evidence review
Meta-analysis: Access to credit as a determinant of autonomous adaptation to climate change: A meta-analysis of the evidence
This meta-analysis report builds on the evidence gap map (EGM) and intervention heat map (IHM) that examines the evidence regarding the effectiveness of climate change adaptation interventions and linked financial flows...
Document > Operational document
Approach paper: Climate change mitigation interventions in the private sector in developing countries
This evidence review describes the evidence base on private sector investment in mitigation and assess and describes the modes of funding for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
The approach paper and approach brief...
Document > Other publication
Synthetic review: Effectiveness of climate change mitigation interventions in the private sector in developing countries
The results of the synthetic review show that the evidence on this topic is still limited and spread across various sectors and interventions, with most evidence in the energy, industrial and agricultural sectors. The...
Document > Learning paper
Evidence gap map and intervention heat map: Climate change mitigation interventions in the private sector in developing countries
This evidence review describes the evidence base on private sector investment in mitigation and describes the modes of funding for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
Document > Learning paper
Evidence review: Results-based payments
Results-based payment interventions involves a funder who agrees to make payments to agents for achieving pre-agreed, verified results. In so doing, result-based payment interventions convene multiple agents to achieve...
Evidence review
Approach paper: Evidence review on results-based payments
Results-based payments provide funding conditional on actions undertaken by target beneficiaries and verified by third parties. This approach paper outlines that this evidence review will adopt a broad approach to take...
Document > Other publication
Evidence gap map and intervention heat map: Evidence review on results-based payments
The evidence gap map presents a systematic, multisectoral search of publications in the academic and grey literature. The search was restricted to quantitative studies published between 2000 and 2020 that assessed the...
Document > Learning paper
Approach paper: Evidence review on the effectiveness of interventions promoting women's empowerment in developing countries
This evidence review assesses what evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of interventions which seek to promote women’s empowerment. The approach paper details the inclusion/exclusion criteria such as the focus on...
Document > Other publication
Systematic review: Scale, depth and duration - Examples of transformational change in the energy and public health sectors
The final report and final brief offer examples of transformational change in the energy and public health sectors at scale, with depth and duration. We identify lessons on transformational change from these two sectors...
Document > Learning paper
Evidence gap map: Interventions for women's empowerment in developing countries
This evidence gap map plots studies on the effectiveness of interventions for women’s empowerment in developing countries. The evidence gap map shows most evidence is from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, especially...
Document > Learning paper
Protocol: Effectiveness of life skills interventions for the empowerment of women in developing countries
The protocol for this evidence review describes the selection of life skills interventions for the meta-analysis. It also explains the methods used for the systematic review.
Document > Other publication
Protocol: Evidence review on coastal and terrestrial water-sector interventions in developing countries
Global water resources are severely affected by the changing climate. However, our understanding of the impact of key interventions, particularly in coastal zones and certain types of terrestrial water projects, is...
Document > Other publication
Systematic review: Coastal and terrestrial water sector interventions in developing countries
Based on a rigorous protocol and companion evidence gap map, our systematic review conducts meta-analyses of water sector interventions in four areas: built infrastructure, nature-based options, institutional...
Document > Learning paper
Evidence review: Just transition
Just transition is now a key element of climate change debates. To date, most learning on just transitions has come from developed countries. This review is the first to provide a rigorous and precise realist summary of...
Evidence review
Approach paper: Realist review of just transition
Just transition is now a key element of climate change debates. To date, most learning on just transitions has come from developed countries. This realist review is the first to provide a rigorous and precise realist...
Document > Other publication
Evidence review: Market-based approaches to mitigation and adaptation
Effective involvement of the private sector is key for closing financing gaps and enhancing climate action. Of the multilateral climate funds, the GCF has the strongest private sector focus and houses a private sector...
Evidence review
Approach paper: Evidence review on market-based approaches to mitigation and adaptation
Of the multilateral climate funds, the GCF has the strongest private sector focus and houses a private sector facility that enables it to finance directly and indirectly at the national, regional and international...
Document > Other publication
Synthetic review: Evidence review on market-based approaches to mitigation and adaptation
The synthetic review highlights commonalities across the four selected approaches to inform learning within the GCF and, more broadly, across the climate finance landscape.
Document > Learning paper
Evidence review: Behavioural science
While being the primary agent of mitigation and adaptation, human behaviours are the least studied aspect of climate change. With climate change intensifying globally each year, both mitigation and adaptation present...
Evidence review
Systematic review: Effectiveness of life skills training interventions for the empowerment of women in developing countries
The systematic review evaluates the ability of life skills interventions to promote the empowerment of women of all ages. Overall, life skills positively affect a range of self, social and economic empowerment outcomes...
Document > Learning paper
Evidence review: Water
Global water resources are severely affected by the changing climate threatening water security goals. However, our understanding of the impact of key interventions, particularly in coastal zones and certain types of...
Evidence review
LORTA Country Brief: Impact Evaluation Midline Report for FP073 – The Green Gicumbi Project
This brief summarises the context and findings of the impact evaluation midline report for FP073 Strengthening Climate Resilience of Rural Communities in Northern Rwanda
Document > Impact evaluation report
Evidence review: Women's empowerment
Women’s empowerment is a key way to tackle gender inequality. Empowerment is an end in itself and also contributes to wider outcomes. By empowering women, individuals become agents of change and can catalyze climate...
Evidence review Pages
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