Protocol: A review of the attributes of transformational change in the energy and public health sectors
The protocol details the saturated intervention/outcome cells selected and the approach to meta-analysis.
Document > Learning paper
IEU at the 15th EES Biennial Conference
The IEU will present at the 15th European Evaluation Biennial Conference- Better Together: Collaborative thought and action for better evaluation taking place from 23-27 September in Rimini, Italy during the following...
Event > External event Italy 
Approach paper: A review of the attributes of transformational change in the energy and public health sectors
The approach paper and approach brief detail the contours of the evidence review. We review the evidence on transformational change in two sectors where there has been demonstrable progress: in energy and in behavioural...
Document > Other publication
REDD+ Results-Based Payment Pilot Projects: Enhancing Climate Action in Latin America and the Caribbean
During the 37th session of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board in October 2023, the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) presented its proposed Work Programme and Budget for 2024. The document committed the IEU to...
Article > News 
Systematic review: Behavioural science interventions within the development and environmental fields in developing countries
This paper presents a systematic review on behavioural science interventions in the human development and environmental/climate fields in developing countries. The review synthesizes evidence on five specific...
Document > Learning paper
Evidence gap map: Behavioural science interventions within the development and environmental fields in developing countries
The evidence gap map (EGM) presents a report and online resource depicting the landscape of studies on the effectiveness of behavioural science interventions. It finds the most commonly evaluated interventions are...
Document > Learning paper
Realist review: Just transition towards low emission, climate resilient and more inclusive societies in developing countries
The realist review found that common enablers for just transition interventions across all or most sectors included robust funding mechanisms, strong alignment with needs and priorities, political will and ownership,...
Document > Learning paper
Evidence gap map: Coastal and terrestrial water-sector interventions in developing countries
The evidence gap map shows the landscape of studies across intervention and outcome areas. The final number of included studies was 172, made up of 171 unique studies and one linked study.
Document > Other publication
Approach paper: Evidence review on behavioral change in developing countries
The approach paper clarifies the objectives of the review, the methods applied, and the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies. The evidence review and associated brief consolidates evidence on behavioural...
Document > Other publication
Synthesis brief: Evidence review on results-based payments in the context of climate change
This 2-page brief presents synthesized findings from the evidence review on the effectiveness of results-based payment interventions in the context of climate change, conducted by the IEU in 2020.
Document > Other publication
Final Report of the Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of GCF’s Investments in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) States (LAC2024)
This report presents the findings and recommendations of an independent evaluation of the relevance and effectiveness of GCF’s investments in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) States undertaken by the IEU. The IEU...
Document > Evaluation report
Evidence review: Transformational change
This evidence review will combine two different evidence gap maps into one learning exercise on transformational change.
We will indirectly review the evidence on transformational change in two sectors where there has...
Evidence review
Evidence gap map on energy
The evidence gap map on energy details the landscape of studies and inform the scope of a subsequent systematic reviews.
Document > Other publication
Evidence gap map on behavioural interventions in public health
The evidence gap map of behavioural interventions in public health details the landscape of studies and inform the scope of a subsequent systematic reviews.
Document > Other publication
Approach paper: Independent Evaluation of the GCF's 'Health and Well-being, and Food and Water Security' Result Area (HWFW2024)
This approach paper lays the groundwork for the Independent Evaluation of the GCF's investments in the 'Health and Well-being, and Food and Water Security' result area. It outlines the evaluation's objectives,...
Document > Approach paper
Executive Summary of the Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s Approach to and Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses (PPWW2024)
Document > Evaluation brief
Document > Evaluation brief
IEU Interns Join Conservation Efforts for Endangered Black-faced Spoonbill at Namdong Reservoir
On Thursday, 12 September, interns from the GCF’s Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) Tsolmon Baatarzorig and Beatrice Mora, along with consultant Tatiana Kan, visited the birdwatching hotspot at the Namdong Reservoir in...
Article > News Republic of Korea 
Special Study on REDD+ Results-Based Payment Projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region
The Special Study on REDD+ Results-Based Payment Projects in the Latin America and Caribbean Region report was prepared to assess the relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of GCF’s investments in REDD+ projects in...
Document > Working paper
Accountability in Climate Action
Under the second replenishment, to support programming for the period 2024–2027, the GCF’s contributors have pledged a further USD 12.8 billion. By 2030, the GCF aims to be managing USD 50 billion of funds and an ever-...
Article > Blog 
Approach paper: Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Approach to Indigenous Peoples (IP2024)
This paper outlines the approach of the Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Approach to Indigenous Peoples (IPs). This evaluation primarily aims to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF approach to IPs. The...
Document > Approach paper
B.40 Data Outlook: Empowering Climate Action through Evidence and Capacity Building
"The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see."
— John Tukey, American mathematician
As the crisp autumn breeze settles over Incheon, a sense of anticipation fills the air...
Article > Blog 
Approach Brief: Independent Evaluation of the GCF's Approach to Indigenous Peoples (IP2024)
This brief summarises the approach paper for the Independent Evaluation of the GCF's Approach to Indigenous Peoples (IP2024), including the evaluation’s context, purpose and objectives, scope, methods and timeline.
Document > Evaluation brief
GEvalNote 20: LAC2024
This 2-pager summarizes the main conclusions and recommendations of the Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of GCF’s Investments in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) States (LAC2024).
Document > Evaluation brief
GEvalBrief 20: LAC2024
This 4-page brief summarizes the key findings and conclusions of the Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of GCF’s Investments in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) States (LAC2024).
Document > Evaluation brief
GEvalNote 19: PPWW2024
This 2-pager summarizes the main conclusions and recommendations of the Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s Approach to and Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses.
Document > Evaluation brief
Evidence for Climate Action Webinar
COP29 will take place amid competing priorities, limited resources, and no time to waste. Accelerating climate action requires prioritizing interventions that have proved effective.
The German Institute for Development...
Event > Webinar 
Learning Talk: REDD+ and Social Safeguards
The IEU Learning Talk focused on the REDD+ Results-Based Payment (RBP) mechanism under the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Colleagues from the IEU and Secretariat discussed the IEU’s special study on REDD+ RBP...
Event > IEU talk Republic of Korea 
Evidence reviews
The IEU believes it is important for the GCF to use global evidence to learn what works, what doesn’t, for whom, why and by how much. The IEU’s evidence reviews assemble global evidence on topics that are...
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