Independent Evaluation of the GCF's Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (RPSP2023)
This evaluation aimed to assess the progress, gains, effectiveness, and efficiency of the RPSP, while gauging the extent to which the RPSP led to transformational projects and programmes in the GCF. The IEU delivered a synthesis note on RPSP as a preliminary deliverable from the evaluation to inform the development of the GCF’s RPSP strategy at B.36. The final evaluation report was submitted to the Board in time for the last Board meeting of 2023.
- Evaluation report
Evaluation documents
- The evaluation was commissioned by the Board in IEU Work Plan and Budget for 2023 at B.34.
The Synthesis Note offers an overview of existing evaluative evidence on various dimensions of importance to RPSP based on the findings of previous IEU evaluations.
The approach paper prepared by the evaluation team during the inception stage describes the approach, methods, and timeline and limitation for the evaluation.
The evaluation team further developed an approach brief to provide a pre-implementation summary of the Independent Evaluation of the GCF's Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. It describes the evaluation’s context, purpose, scope, methods and country case studies.
IEU deliverable at B.36 was originally submitted at the 36th meeting of the Board as an annex to IEU’s Activity Report (GCF/B.36/Inf.09), and this standalone version was created to enable stakeholders’ direct and easy access to the deliverable. It is based on key findings from previous evaluations, a preliminary review of the landscape, evidence related to internal structure relevant to GCF’s RPSP, and some strategic reflections.
- Following the GCF Evaluation Policy, Management Action Reports are submitted by the IEU to the GCF Board. They track the progress made in the adoption of recommendations made by IEU evaluations. The Management Action Report on the Independent evaluation of the GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme was submitted to the Board as an annex to the report on the IEU’s activities at B.40 (GCF/B.40/Inf.11).