IEU at Belize's 'Climate Finance Capacity Building Forum'
20 January 2022
On 20 January 2022, the IEU’s Yeonji Kim took part in a climate finance capacity building forum organised by Belize’s Ministry of Finance, Economic Development & Investment (the National Designated Authority of Belize to the Green Climate Fund) and the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), with assistance from Willis Towers Watson.
The forum was developed through the Belize GCF Readiness Support for ‘Strengthening Belize Private Sector Access to Climate Finance’, delivered by the Caribbean Development Bank (the project's Delivery Partner) along with Belize’s NDA and the BCCI. At the event, Yeonji presented the IEU’s evaluation of the GCF’s approach to the private sector, sharing the report’s key findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
Recordings of the first three modules are provided below. Please note that the IEU presented as part of Module 2.
- Module 1 – Setting the scene: what is GCF and what does it finance?
- *Module 2 (IEU segment starts at 55:40)– GCF’s role in supporting private sector investment.
- Module 3 – GCF project cycle and requirements.
Links to the relevant infographics for each module are also included below.