
Resilient Rural Belize (Be-Resilient) (RRB)

Resilient Rural Belize (Be-Resilient) (RRB)

  • Status On-going
  • Eval. start 2020
  • Eval. completion 2025
Learning objective

Value chain development and Food security: We conducted two impact evaluations under this project. The first evaluates the impact of matching grants on the sales and income of producer organisations and associated members. The second one measures the impact of a backyard garden initiative to increase rural households' food security and their capacity to cope with climate change. Smallholder producers generally lack the resources and the capacity to improve their production and sell their products in markets. This project, implemented by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) offers matching grants to producer organizations to fill these gaps. The evaluations focus on analyzing the effectiveness of matching grants in strengthening value chains and enhancing the capacity of rural producers to adapt to climate change.

  • Topic
    Agriculture & adaptive livelihoods
  • Project component
    Climate Resilient Value Chain Development
  • Impact evaluation design
    Difference-in-Difference (DiD)
    Propensity Score Matching (PSM)
    Randomised Control Trial (RCT)
  • Target beneficiaries
    30 producer organizations and at 300 members (50 % women) for Matching grants / 1595 households for backyard garden


Onboarded to LORTA

Nov 2020

Baseline data collected for matching grant fund evaluation

Mar 2023

Endline data collected for backyard garden evaluation

Jan 2024

Expected date for endline data collection for matching grant fund evaluation

Sep 2024

Expected date for endline report for backyard garden published

Sep 2024

Expected date for endline report for matching grant fund evaluation

Mar 2025

One region

  • Latin America and the Caribbean

One country

  • Belize


Early findings from LORTA's baseline data collection for FP101 are expected to be released later this year.

To be shared at a later date.

To be shared at a later date.


Project FP101 will increase the resilience of smallholder farmers in Belize to climate change impacts that have negative consequences on agricultural yields of important commodities for the country by developing climate-proof selected value chains (six vegetables, one fruit, and bee keeping) of smallholder farmers, which strengthen economic stability and resilience. The project will also increase access to markets through the rehabilitation of critical infrastructure. It will deploy grant awards, on-lending mechanisms and work with producers’ organizations and local communities to meet their needs in addressing the impacts of climate change.

A flow chart for GCF Project FP101 – Resilient Rural Belize

The main objective of the Resilient Rural Belize project is to introduce climate resilient agricultural practices that will allow smallholder farmers to have a sustainable production process and improved market access for their produce under the stress of climate change and extreme climatic events. LORTA’s impact assessment focuses on evaluating Component 1 of Project FP101, which addresses climate-resilient value chain development.