Inception Report for the Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of the Green Climate Fund's Investments in the SIDS

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Inception Report for the Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of the Green Climate Fund's Investments in the SIDS
The report is organized as follows:
- Chapter II provides background and context on the SIDS and climate change challenges, as well as the GCF mandate to address the needs of SIDS.
- Chapter III summarizes existing relevant research and evidence on climate change impacts on SIDS. It synthesizes the evidence from recently conducted IEU country case studies in SIDS and provides the results of a literature review on climate change solutions in SIDS.
- Chapter IV presents the key evaluation questions and the detailed methods that will be employed to answer them.
- Chapter V gives the workplan for the evaluation, including key deliverables and milestones.
- A series of Appendices offer additional detail: Appendix I provides the full evaluation matrix, including the planned portfolio data analyses; Appendix II presents the proposed outline for the Evaluation Report; Appendix III is the country case study protocol; and Appendix IV presents the qualitative data management guidelines and instrumentation, including the key informant interview (KII) protocols and survey questions.
Cover date
May 2020
Document type
Approach paper