Independent evaluation of the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF's investments in the LDCs (LDC2022)
The least developed countries (LDCs) are responsible for small additions to the overall GHGs stock globally but experience disproportionate impacts of its consequences.
The evaluation asks whether the GCF’s approach and investments have been effective in reducing the vulnerability of local communities and their local livelihoods to the effects of climate change, and whether these impacts are likely to be sustained.
The evaluation was delivered to the Board in January 2022.
Evaluation Documents
- The evaluation was commissioned by the Board in IEU Work Plan and Budget for 2021 at B.27.
- The communications strategy developed by the evaluation team outlines how the IEU planned to disseminate the findings and learnings from the evaluation and provides an indicative timeline for key activities and engagement plans.
The approach paper prepared by the evaluation team during the inception stage describes the approach, methods, and timeline and limitation for the evaluation.
- The evaluation team further developed an approach brief to provide a pre-implementation summary of the Independent Evaluation of the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF’s investments in least developed countries. It describes the evaluation’s purpose, objectives, scope, methods and country visits.
*Translated from the original English version of the document.
- Following the GCF Evaluation Policy, Management Action Reports are submitted by the IEU to the GCF Board. They track the progress made in the adoption of recommendations made by IEU evaluations. The Management Action Report on the Independent evaluation of the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF's investments in the LDCs was submitted to the Board as an annex to the report on the IEU's activities at B.34 (GCF/B.35/Inf.02).