Final report on the independent evaluation of the GCF's Country Ownership Approach (COA2019)

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Final report on the independent evaluation of the GCF's Country Ownership Approach (COA2019)
The GCF Independent Evaluation Unit conducted this evaluation as part of its 2019 Work Plan, which was approved by the GCF Board at its twenty-first meeting (B.21) in October 2018.
The evaluation answers four important questions:
- How does the GCF conceptualize and operationalize country ownership from the strategic and policy perspective?
- How does the GCF contribute to country leadership and engagement?
- How effective is the GCF in building institutional capacity (in countries and in itself) for country ownership?
- How effective is the GCF in using its business model (especially accreditation and direct access) for supporting country ownership?
Cover date
October 2019
Document type
Evaluation report