
Poverty, Reforestation, Energy and Climate Change Project (PROEZA)

Poverty, Reforestation, Energy and Climate Change Project (PROEZA)

  • Status Ongoing
  • Eval. start 2018
  • Eval. completion 2027
Learning objective

Climate smart agroforestry systems: This evaluation evaluates the impact of “environmental conditional cash transfer plus programme” (E-CCT+) on climate resilience of poor households and forest cover in eastern Paraguay. Agricultural expansion and fuelwood harvesting are the major contributors to deforestation. Land use change has also resulted in major losses of unique and valuable biodiversity from the Atlantic Forest. Despite increasing public attention and effort to decrease deforestation and improve water resources management in recent years, progress has been slow. This project PROEZA, implemented by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), combines cash transfers with productive assets, agroforestry inputs and technical training and extension services to enhance the livelihoods and productive capacities of poor and vulnerable households while protecting the environment. The evaluation will provide insight into the effectiveness of such programme on increasing climate resilience of vulnerable communities as well as the forest cover.

  • Topic
    To be determined
  • Project component
    “Planting for the future” for rural non-indigenous and indigenous households
  • Impact evaluation design
    Difference-in-Difference (DiD)
  • Target beneficiaries
    4,900 households (non-indigenous population), and 274 communities (indigenous population) of 70 districts in 8 departments of Paraguay.


Onboarded to LORTA

Aug 2018

Baseline data collected

Nov 2022

Midline data to be collected

Jun 2025

One region

  • Latin America and the Caribbean

One country

  • Paraguay


LORTA Synthesis Report 2022

19 Jun 2023

This document provides a report of the key activities of the LORTA Programme for 2022. It is Annex III of a report of the key activities of the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) for the period of 1 January to 30 April 2023. It reports on the IEU’s outputs and achievements in line with its Board-approved work plan for 2023.

LORTA Inception Workshop 2018

04 Dec 2018

This report introduces the Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA) programme, initiated by the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The LORTA programme aims to embed real-time impact evaluations into GCF projects to measure their effectiveness and enhance learning. It includes outcomes from the design workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, project selection criteria, and an implementation timeline.


Early findings from LORTA's baseline data collection for FP062 are expected to be released later this year.

To be shared at a later date.

To be shared at a later date.