Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s Approach to and Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses (PPWW2024)

  • Status Completed

The 2024 Board-approved workplan of the Independent Evaluation Unit outlines that the Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Approach to Whistleblowers and Witnesses is one of the four evaluations conducted by IEU this year.

Paragraph 73 of the Policy on the Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses states that the IIU shall engage with the IEU to independently evaluate the effectiveness of the Policy's implementation. The IEU is conducting this independent evaluation to assess the coherence, relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the GCF’s approach to whistleblowers and witnesses in the context of the GCF's approach to establish a secure and effective internal reporting mechanism. By conducting this independent evaluation, the IEU seeks to provide valuable insights into the implementation, functioning and impact of the Policy at GCF and externally. This will enable the GCF and IIU to further strengthen their efforts in preventing corruption and ensuring transparency and accountability in the utilization of Fund resources.

This evaluation will be submitted to the Board for the second Board meeting of 2024.

Evaluation Documents

  • The evaluation was commissioned by the Board in IEU Work Plan and Budget for 2024 at B.37
  • Terms of Reference
  • The approach paper prepared by the evaluation team during the inception stage describes the evaluation's background, methods and approaches, evaluation questions, timelines and deliverables.
  • The evaluation team further developed an approach brief to provide a one-page summary of the approach paper of the evaluation, including the evaluation’s context, purpose and objectives, scope, methods and timeline.

