Transformational Change and Climate Finance: Moving from Emerging Concepts to Advanced Practices

25 May 2021

  • Event type External event
  • Participation
    Open to the public
  • Date 25 May 2021
  • Location Online

On 25 May 2021 (9:30-11:30 EDT), IEU's Andreas Reumann spoke at the Transformational Change Learning Partnership (TCLP) Workshop titled "Transformational Change and Climate Finance: Moving from Emerging Concepts to Advanced Practices".

Andreas spoke on the question: "Why Focus on Transformational Change and What Concepts and Practices Can Bridge the Operationalization Gap?"

Read more about the event here.

"We would argue that we need to know what we know - synthesizing our evidence in a far better way in the future, we need to strengthen the synthesis of the evidence we’ve got. Secondly, we need to think about how we can use technologies for true measurement from the very beginning of the project design, we need to instill that understanding, and real-time learning needs to be built in the measurement systems. Lastly, we need to recognize behavior change and understand that last mile problem."

- Andreas Reumann at the TCLP Workshop on May 25.