IEU Work on Transformational Change Published in The European Journal of Development Research
The IEU is proud to announce the publication of its work in The European Journal of Development Research, a peer-reviewed publication which explores processes that advance or impede human development, covers development research from political, economic, sociological and anthropological perspectives, and examines challenges that face developing countries.
The article titled A Protocol for the Review of Examples of Transformational Change in the Energy and Public Health Sectors to Inform Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Interventions describes the approach for an evidence review on transformational change.
The full article is now available through open access and in The European Journal of Development Research.
The article is part of the IEU’s evidence review on transformational change co-financed by the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) Evaluation and Learning Initiative. Evidence reviews assemble global evidence on topics that are relevant to the GCF and are a key component of the IEU's learning and advisory service functions.
Learn more about the IEU’s evidence reviews here.