Evidence review: Private sector investments in mitigation
Evidence review: Private sector investments in mitigation
This evidence review describes the evidence base on private sector investment in mitigation and assess and describes the modes of funding for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. This evidence review inclufdes an evidence gap map, an intervention heat map, and a synthestic review. Together, these products will examine the evidence base on private sector investment in mitigation and assess which modes of funding are most effective and efficient in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
Key documents

Approach paper: Climate change mitigation interventions in the private sector in developing countries
November 2020
This evidence review describes the evidence base on private sector investment in mitigation and assess and describes the modes of funding for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
The approach paper and approach brief for this evidence review are available.

Evidence gap map and intervention heat map: Climate change mitigation interventions in the private sector in developing countries
July 2021
This evidence review describes the evidence base on private sector investment in mitigation and assess and describes the modes of funding for mitigating green+H16house gas emissions.

Synthetic review: Effectiveness of climate change mitigation interventions in the private sector in developing countries
August 2021
The results of the synthetic review show that the evidence on this topic is still limited and spread across various sectors and interventions, with most evidence in the energy, industrial and agricultural sectors. The review allows the GCF Secretariat to consider allocating funds in line with the current evidence base.