Independent Synthesis of Direct Access in the Green Climate Fund (DA2022)

  • Evaluation type Programmatic
  • Status Completed in
    February 2023

The GCF is mandated to provide simplified and improved access to funding, including direct access, basing its activities on a country-driven approach. In its Updated Strategic Plan for 2020-2023, the GCF also sets out to deliver significantly increased funding channeled through direct access entities (DAEs) relative to its Initial Resource Mobilization programming period.

This independent synthesis examines the efficiency and effectiveness of direct access within the GCF. The evaluation was delivered in 2023.

Evaluation Documents

  • The evaluation was commissioned by the Board in IEU Work Plan and Budget for 2022 at B.30.

  • The approach paper prepared by the evaluation team during the inception stage describes the approach, methods, and timeline and limitation for the evaluation.

  • The evaluation team further developed an approach brief to provide a pre-implementation summary of the Independent Synthesis of Direct Access in the Green Climate Fund. It describesthe evaluation’s context, purpose, scope, output, timing, country visits and methods. 



  • The GCF Secretariat Management response presents the response to the Independent Synthesis of Direct Access in The Green Climate Fund undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU).
  • In Decision B.35/15, the GCF Board took note of the Independent Synthesis of Direct Access in the Green Climate Fund undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU). It further requested the IEU to present a management action report to the Board no later than one year following the adoption of this decision.
  • Following the GCF Evaluation Policy, Management Action Reports are submitted by the IEU to the GCF Board. They track the progress made in the adoption of recommendations made by IEU evaluations. The Management Action Report on the Independent Synthesis of Direct Access in the Green Climate Fund was submitted to the Board as an annex to the Annual Report 2023 of the Independent Evaluation Unit (GCF/B.38/Inf.10).