Impact evaluation baseline report for FP072: Strengthening climate resilience of agricultural livelihoods in agro-ecological regions I and II in Zambia

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Impact evaluation baseline report for FP072: Strengthening climate resilience of agricultural livelihoods in agro-ecological regions I and II in Zambia

This report presents the baseline data for “Strengthening climate resilience of agricultural livelihoods in agro-ecological regions I and II in Zambia” (SCRALA), a project funded by the Green Climate Fund and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in Zambia. The report includes descriptive statistics collected for the baseline phase of the SCRALA impact evaluation. 

Authorship Babatunde Abidoye, Dr. Anastasia Aladysheva, Mohamed Barro, Mitja Del Bono, Martina Gintare de Vries, Saesol Kang, Dr. Conrad Murendo, Mutukwa Sikatala Ben Musole, Oscar Mutinda, Daisy Reboul, Dr. Arne Weiss, Babatunde Abidoye
Cover date November 2022
Document type Evaluation document