Impact Evaluation Baseline Report for FP073: Strengthening Climate Resilience of Rural Communities in Northern Rwanda "Green Gicumbi Project"

Document cover for Impact Evaluation Baseline Report for FP073: Strengthening Climate Resilience of Rural Communities in Northern Rwanda "Green Gicumbi Project"
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Impact Evaluation Baseline Report for FP073: Strengthening Climate Resilience of Rural Communities in Northern Rwanda "Green Gicumbi Project"

This report presents the findings of the baseline survey for strengthening climate resilience of rural communities in Northern Rwanda commonly known as the "Green Gicumbi Project". 

Authorship Jean Marie Vianney Kagenza, Aleston Kyanga, James Mugisha, Willian Mugabo, Innocent Muhire, Teddy Mugabo Mpinganzima, Alex Mulisa
Cover date September 2020
Document type Evaluation document