Final report of the Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund's Energy Sector Portfolio and Approach

Document cover for Final report of the Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund's Energy Sector Portfolio and Approach
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Final report of the Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund's Energy Sector Portfolio and Approach

The evaluation assesses whether and the extent to which GCF approaches and investments in the energy sector are effective in contributing to the objectives of the UNFCCC and other global agendas. It examines the GCF’s effectiveness and efficiency in reducing the effects of climate change, and promoting a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways through its investments in the energy sector. It analyses the results achieved and paradigm shift emerging on the ground. It also considers the diverse context of the countries and the markets and explores how these differences have informed, enabled, or constrained their engagement with the GCF.

Cover date February 2024
Document type Evaluation report