Systematic review: Coastal and terrestrial water sector interventions in developing countries

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Systematic review: Coastal and terrestrial water sector interventions in developing countries

Based on a rigorous protocol and companion evidence gap map, our systematic review conducts meta-analyses of water sector interventions in four areas: built infrastructure, nature-based options, institutional interventions, and financial/market mechanisms. The results suggest that water-efficient irrigation systems and ecosystem-based watershed management stand out as valuable tools for enhancing adaptive capacity, warranting specific attention. The complexity and diversity of water resources necessitate a nuanced analysis of specific concerns, considering economic, social, and environmental challenges.

Authorship John Ategeka, Genta Konci, Laurenz Langer, Mike Muller, Promise Nduku, Jennifer Pampolina, Martin Prowse, Andreas Reumann
Cover date March 2024
Document type Learning paper