[Approach paper] Evidence review on the effectiveness of interventions promoting women's empowerment in developing countries
[Approach paper] Evidence review on the effectiveness of interventions promoting women's empowerment in developing countries
The evidence review on the effectiveness of interventions promoting women's empowerment in developing countries builds on Kabeer’s conceptualization that empowerment requires steps involving the resources, agency and achievements of girls and women of all ages. The evidence review aims to answer the following questions:
- What evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of interventions that seek to promote the fields of development and environment?
- How can interventions be clustered most effectively to allow for aggregation and meta-analysis? What are the effects of selected interventions on key outcome areas? How much confidence can be placed in the findings of included studies? Which factors explain the variation of effects?
The review will answer these questions by developing a typology of interventions for women’s empowerment in development and environment and anticipated outcomes from these interventions.
The approach paper uses the PICOS model to describe inclusion/exclusion criteria. It also details the methods used for the systematic search of academic and other databases and websites, and manual searches of selected journals and citation tracking. In addition, it describes the strategy for data-collection and analysis and the contours of the systematic review.