IEU publications



  • Investment Framework Final Report
  • RPSP Executive Summary 
  • RPSP Final Report 
  • Investment Framework Evaluation Approach Brief
  • Energy Evaluation Approach Brief 
  • Final Report: Independent Evaluation of GCF’s Energy Sector Portfolio and Approach

Impact Evaluations

  • LORTA Portfolio Brief
  • Midline Impact Evaluation Report for FP026: Sustainable Landscapes for Eastern Madagascar
  • LORTA Brief: Midline Impact Evaluation Report for FP026 “Sustainable Landscapes for Eastern Madagascar”
  • Impact Evaluation Report for FP069: Enhancing Adaptive Capacities in Bangladesh

Learning and Synthesis

  • Evidence Review: Water Protocol
  • Evidence Review: Results-Based Payments
  • Learning Paper Summary: Evaluability Assessment (2023)
  • Evidence Review: Water Sector - Systematic Review

Operations and Activities

  • Annual Report 2023


Investment Framework Final Report

As part of the work plan and budget of the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) for 2023, the GCF Board approved the Independent Evaluation of the GCF Investment Framework. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF Investment Framework in fulfilling the GCF’s mandate and strategic goals. It was undertaken in 2023-2024, and the final report was launched in February 2024.

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RPSP Final Report

The independent evaluation of the GCF's Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme undertaken in 2023 by the IEU assesses RPSP supports to GCF-eligible recipient countries delivered under the Readiness programme strategy 2019–2021 and the GCF Updated Strategic Plan 2020–2023. It examines progress since the IEU’s 2018 RPSP evaluation and looks at the Programme’s relevance, coherence and complementarity, effectiveness, as well as its results measurement and oversight mechanisms while feeding lessons into the preparation of new readiness operations.

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RPSP Executive Summary

This executive summary provides an overview of the independent evaluation of the GCF's Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.

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Investment Framework Evaluation Approach Brief

This introductory brief provides a summary of the IEU’s independent evaluation of the GCF’s investment framework, including the context, purpose and objectives, scope, methods and timeline. The evaluation will look at the overarching questions of how effective and fit-for-purpose the GCF’s investment framework, accompanying tools, criteria, and guidelines are in fulfilling the Fund’s strategic goals and mandate.

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Final Report: Independent Evaluation of GCF’s Energy Sector Portfolio and Approach

This introductory brief provides a summary of the IEU’s evaluation of the GCF’s approach to the energy sector, including the context, purpose and objectives, scope, methods and country case studies. The evaluation of the energy sector will cover a wide geographic area of operations of the GCF with themes covering the relevance, efficiency, suitability, effectiveness, and innovativeness of GCF’s portfolio in the energy sector in achieving climate goals alongside the lessons learned from the investments.

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Energy Evaluation Approach Brief

This independent evaluation assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of GCF's energy sector investments in contributing to UNFCCC objectives and promoting a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development. 

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Impact Evaluations

LORTA Portfolio Update

This 2-page brief provides a quick overview of the Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA) programme portfolio as of June 2023 and captures several learnings that have emerged since the LORTA programme began implementation in 2018. LORTA aims to strengthen the capacity of GCF accredited entities, implementing partners and project staff in assessing the impact of their intervention.

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Midline Impact Evaluation Report for FP026: Sustainable Landscapes for Eastern Madagascar

The Sustainable Landscapes for Eastern Madagascar (SLEM) project (FP026) aims to increase the resilience of smallholder farmers and reduce carbon emissions through climate-smart agriculture and sustainable forest management in two corridors covering 660,000 hectares over 15 districts. This midline impact evaluation gauges the project's progress towards its longer-term objectives.

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LORTA Brief: Midline Impact Evaluation Report for FP026 “Sustainable Landscapes for Eastern Madagascar” 

This brief presents synthesized findings from the impact evaluation midline report for FP026 "Sustainable Landscapes in Eastern Madagascar," conducted by the IEU in 2024.

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Learning and Synthesis

Evidence Review: Water Protocol

The primary objective of this systematic review is to identify, assess, and synthesize evidence on the effectiveness of coastal and terrestrial water-sector interventions in achieving desired outcomes at various scales in developing countries. This protocol presents the overall approach for the systematic review with a particular focus on data collection and analysis.

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Evidence Review: Results-Based Payments

This 2-page brief presents synthesized findings from the evidence review on the effectiveness of results-based payment (RBP) interventions in the context of climate change, conducted by the IEU in 2020.

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Learning Paper Summary: Evaluability Assessment (2023)

This paper assesses the evaluability of the Green Climate Fund's funding proposals, examining the feasibility of evaluation and identifying potential challenges and solutions.

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Evidence Review: Water Sector - Systematic Review

This review identifies and synthesizes global evidence on the effectiveness of coastal and terrestrial water-sector interventions in developing countries. It aims to inform policy decisions and practice within the water sector, particularly concerning the climate adaptation and mitigation co-benefits of water-sector interventions.

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Impact Evaluation Report for FP069: Enhancing Adaptive Capacities in Bangladesh

This report examines the impact of the livelihood support component of GCF’s FP069 on women’s lives in Khulna and Satkhira, Bangladesh. It identifies the project's effects on household well-being, resilience to climate shocks, and women’s empowerment.

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Operations and Activities

Annual Report 2023

This document contains the Independent Evaluation Unit's Annual Report for 2023.

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