IEU publications
To serve the needs of our stakeholders, the IEU issues a variety of publications related to our work, including in the context of evaluations and learning. Keep up with the IEU’s latest publications here.
Featured publications
Final Report of the Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Approach to Indigenous Peoples
This report presents the findings and recommendations of an independent evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) approach to Indigenous Peoples (IPs), undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU).
Final Report of the Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Result Area “Health and Wellbeing, and Food and Water Security” (HWFW)
In 2024, the IEU undertook the Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Result Area “Health and Wellbeing, and Food and Water Security” (HWFW) in line with its Board-approved 2024 work plan.This evaluation was launched in March 2024.

[Approach Paper] Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s Approach to and Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses
April 2024
Board decision B.BM-2018/21 paragraph (a) adopted the Policy on the Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses (hereafter referred to as “the Policy”). The purpose of the Policy is to empower anyone covered by its provisions to report suspicions of wrongdoing in good faith and without fear of retaliation so that the GCF can effectively protect its interests, resources, and mission by detecting and mitigating financial and reputational risks as early as possible. The IIU is responsible for...

Systematic review: Coastal and terrestrial water sector interventions in developing countries
March 2024
Based on a rigorous protocol and companion evidence gap map, our systematic review conducts meta-analyses of water sector interventions in four areas: built infrastructure, nature-based options, institutional interventions, and financial/market mechanisms. The results suggest that water-efficient irrigation systems and ecosystem-based watershed management stand out as valuable tools for enhancing adaptive capacity, warranting specific attention. The complexity and diversity of water resources...

Final report of the Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund's Energy Sector Portfolio and Approach
February 2024
The evaluation assesses whether and the extent to which GCF approaches and investments in the energy sector are effective in contributing to the objectives of the UNFCCC and other global agendas. It examines the GCF’s effectiveness and efficiency in reducing the effects of climate change, and promoting a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways through its investments in the energy sector. It analyses the results achieved and paradigm shift emerging on the...

Final report of the Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s Investment Framework
February 2024
As part of the work plan and budget of the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) for 2023, the GCF Board approved the Independent Evaluation of the GCF Investment Framework. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF Investment Framework in fulfilling the GCF’s mandate and strategic goals. It was undertaken in 2023-2024, and the final report was launched in February 2024.

Impact Evaluation midline report for FP026 - Sustainable Landscapes for Eastern Madagascar
January 2024
The Sustainable Landscapes for Eastern Madagascar (SLEM) project (FP026) aims to increase the resilience of smallholder farmers and reduce carbon emissions by implementing climate-smart agriculture and sustainable forest management in two corridors covering 660,000 hectares over 15 districts. These corridors are the two remaining large blocks of forest in the eastern part of Madagascar. To develop resilient farming communities, SLEM directly supports vulnerable smallholder farmers to adopt...

Final report of the Independent Evaluation of the GCF's Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme
October 2023
The independent evaluation of the GCF's Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme undertaken in 2023 by the IEU assesses RPSP supports to GCF-eligible recipient countries delivered under the Readiness programme strategy 2019–2021 and the GCF Updated Strategic Plan 2020–2023. It examines progress since the IEU’s 2018 RPSP evaluation and looks at the Programme’s relevance, coherence and complementarity, effectiveness, as well as its results measurement and oversight mechanisms while feeding...

Evaluating the Performance of the Green Climate Fund: Country Perspectives and Experiences
October 2023
In 2023, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) studied GCF activities in 12 developing countries as part of the Second Performance Review (SPR) of the GCF, which focused on the first replenishment period covering 2020–2023. These case studies explore countries’ efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions and promote climate-resilient development in partnership with the GCF. This report summarizes key insights from those case studies, using data collected from March to...

LORTA Portfolio Update
September 2023
The multi-year Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA) programme keeps track of the impact of GCF investments. Its goal is to assist GCF projects measure their impact in lowering greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing resilience to climate change, and if so, by how much. LORTA’s assistance includes, among other things, building and clarifying theories of change, co-building real-time and longer term measurement systems and helping projects use quantitative and qualitative...