The GCF Board has approved IEU’s 2023 Workplan and Budget in decision B.34/06. In line with that decision, the IEU will undertake the following evaluations in 2023:
- Independent Evaluation of GCF’s Operations in the Energy Sector: This evaluation of the energy sector will cover a wide geographic area of operations of the GCF with themes covering the relevance, efficiency, suitability, effectiveness, and innovativeness of GCF’s portfolio in the energy sector in achieving climate goals alongside the lessons learned from the investments. The evaluation report will be submitted to the Board in time for the first Board meeting in 2024.
- Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Investment Framework: This evaluation will look at the overarching questions of how effective and fit-for-purpose the GCF’s investment framework, accompanying tools, criteria, and guidelines are in fulfilling the Fund’s strategic goals and mandate. The evaluation report will be submitted to the Board in time for the first Board meeting in 2024.
- Independent Evaluation of the GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme: This evaluation will aim to assess the progress, gains, effectiveness, and efficiency of the RPSP, while gauging the extent to which the RPSP has led to transformational projects and programmes in the GCF. The IEU will deliver, in time for B.35, a synthesis note on RPSP as a preliminary deliverable from the evaluation to inform the development of the GCF’s RPSP strategy. The final evaluation report will be submitted to the Board in time for the last Board meeting in 2023.
- Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA) Programme: The IEU/LORTA programme is currently working with 22 GCF projects to help them set up impact evaluation designs, data collection, and real-time measurement systems. In 2023, the IEU will continue to work closely with its partners, accredited entities, and the Secretariat. It will also select another group of projects for LORTA, based on criteria related to technical assistance and measurement support.
The tender process for selecting the firms who provide the technical supports to these evaluations is expected to be launched in accordance with respective timelines. Interested parties may kindly pay attention to the GCF’s procurement website for further notice.